The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Numerology: An Overview by Julianna Rowe

 A quick overview of the Greek Pythagoras System:

There are five numbers derived from the combination of first your birthday, and then your name.  These are called:

1)      1-     The Lifepath Number (the total of the month, day and year)

2)      2.-     The Birth-Day Number (the day of the month you were born on)

3)      3.-     The Soul Number (this is the numeric value of the vowels in your name)

4)      4.-     The Personality Number (which is the numeric value of the consonants)

5)      5.-     The Power of the Name Number (the combination of the Soul and Personality numbers)

6)      6.-     The Attitude Number (while it is not in the top five numbers, it can provide insights into a person.

In Numerology, all the numbers are reduced to a single digit.  For example: 19 becomes

1 + 9= 10 = 1 + 0 = 1. 

Using the Pythagoras Number System, every letter of the alphabet is assigned a numeric value.  The vowels go above the name you are adding up, and the consonants below it.

The Vowel Number is your Soul Urge.  It’s what you feel on the inside.  People who know you may not see it but you are aware of it internally.

The Consonant Number is your Personality Number.  It’s how you appear outside. It is what you show the world and how people perceive you.

And the third number is the Power Name Number.  It’s the strength of your name and lets us know who you are. The belief is that the universe gives you your Birthday and your parents give you your name.  This is the most important number in the additions of your name.  If this number is not compatible with your Lifepath Number, I advise you to alter it to make your life easier.

The day you were born (Birthday Number) because it is how you appear. This is the number that gives people their first impression of you.

The LifePath Number is the number you must fulfill in order to be truly happy.

The Destiny Number tells you what you will inevitably fulfill in your lifetime.  This number may be different from the name you are using today.  But this vibration will not be ignored so I suggest you find ways to use it to your advantage.

The Attitude Number is how you communicate to people. Whatever your attitude number, people will expect you to operate from this vibration. If your Lifepath Number is different than your Attitude Number, I suggest you let people know right away who you are.  Otherwise, they won’t have a clue.  Your Attitude Number will confuse them.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Abducted: by Julianna Rowe

 ABDUCTED:     Property of Julianna Rowe

     She was taken hostage at gunpoint by two men near a convenience store. Blindfolded and taken to an underground location not far outside the city. There were two of them, a man and I was the other person who was going to be used for insurance leverage with the FBI as getaway pawns.  The blindfolds were removed, and we were left in an empty room with one window. I immediately went to the window, only to see heavy vines blocking the view of a brick wall opposite the vine.   Just then, the lock on the door clicked and opened.  A shorter man with a bandana hiding his face entered with a tray of food.  Actually, decent food.  Two plates filled with hamburgers, french fries, and apple pie. Another basket of fruit, soft drinks, napkins, and seasonings.  I said out loud to the other prisoner.

“What is going on here?”  

But no one spoke. Food was the last thing on my mind.  Instead, I went back to the window and tried to open it.  It had been painted shut.  Where were we?  I recalled riding in an elevator, but did we go up or down?  There was obviously a  brick building very close and what was with the thick vines. They looked like the vines in the children’s book “Jack and the Beanstalk.” But that couldn't be.

Our captors had left utensils with our meal.  I grabbed a bite of food, took the dull knife to the window, and began loosening the years of dried paint holding us prisoner.  I knew they would be returning soon for our dishes, so I continued vigorously pursuing our escape to where I had no idea.  If I got the window open, would I climb up or down? There wouldn’t be much time for decision-making. I might as well have been climbing into the abyss but at least it was freedom from what appeared to be imminent death. I never was one to settle or go out without a fight.

When I finally got the window loosened all the way around and began to lift the heavy wood it groaned as though pain were surging thru it.  Like it was feeling the same opportunity I hoped to sense once I got it moving enough, but once again, it was stuck.  I ran back to the food tray and grabbed the squeeze bottle of catsup, squirted it onto each side of the window frame, and jiggled it to release the liquid into the side sliding crevices, and BINGO!  It opened as it released one final groan feeling its own personal freedom while allowing mine. I turned to my friend and said, “Come on!”  To which he just stood there frozen.

I slithered out, looked down to see darkness, looked up and saw light, and began climbing.  I was not in the best physical condition, but it didn’t matter.  I was putting one foot in front of another and when there wasn’t a vine in ladder formation, I grabbed and pulled myself up until I found one. This truly did appear to be a Jack Beanstalk.  I could only hope the ending would be as good as the well-known old book. That is when my wandering mind was thrown back to its pitiful dangerous senses by hearing a man’s gruff angry voice shouting for the others that I had escaped.  I could feel the vibration of the presence of another human on my thick vine to freedom. Fear was in great pursuit of me. I went faster and faster until I was gasping for air. Stress gripped my throat like I was being strangled, and my lungs were responding in pain but I could see the light from above coming closer.  Maybe it was heaven, and I was dying?  Would I die getting away from anyone holding me against my will for their own benefit? I had lived through difficult life situations and come out of them before and would again, even at my own death. Behind me only the crackling of the vines and the harsh heavy deep grunts of a killer in pursuit of me.  Why me? What was the purpose, or was I simply in the wrong place at the wrong time? It didn’t matter at that point. 

My mind came back to reality when I jumped off the vine and hit a real city cement sidewalk. No one was in sight and I was still gasping for the breath of life I needed to continue. There were buildings all around that looked somewhat familiar, but there was no time to ponder it, only run, but I couldn’t run. I saw two buildings with a small alley between where I scurried to, stood, catching my breath for a few seconds, and then onto and through the alley to a street with more activity.  I asked a passerby if I could use their cell phone as I had been abducted.  I must have frightened them because they were gone in a flash.  I asked the next person I saw and they handed me their phone.  I called my cell phone number, hoping for an answer from someone I knew. I believe I was delirious or I would have dialed 9 1 1. And then I heard a voice on the other end answering my phone.  It was my abductor telling me there was no escape, they had put trackers on my phone and everyone on my contact list.   If I tried to reach out to anyone, I would be found. I handed the phone back to the stranger and began running.  I had no money, no vehicle, no contacts.  At this point, I knew where I was and continued toward my home. 

I woke up. That was a scary dream!  

Sunday, June 4, 2023

My French Life or.....? by Julianna Rowe

 I saw this marvelous book at one of my client's homes. I gently took it from its quiet resting place, leaning on another book named Bloom. Humm, maybe that was a secret set-up code from beyond (for me!) I opened it and found my eyes tearing up. I thought to myself, "What? What?" In other words, what is causing you to cry?? I answered myself calmly. "I never had a French Life, and I felt like I was looking right into one. Such an appealing sight as I stood alone beside the old English brick fireplace. It was like I should have or could have and still wished to." The tears were from a life of struggle and survival and not in France. I'm not saying this to bemoan myself because I've found and created my forms of life in France. I have always gravitated toward French Country when decorating. I am a total romantic, whether it is a white French mantel or a black iron chopping table. When a creative person like me cannot travel to the real deal, she brings the real deal home. I've accomplished a lot in my life. Sculpting, sewing, jewelry making, writing, woodworking, painting, and drawing, all while raising five children, working two and three jobs to provide them with everything they need for a happy family home, not sure they will agree on the word happy, and always balancing where to put any leftover funds. I won't laugh at that statement; no one except a single Mom with five children would understand.

None of this is to say I wouldn’t like to be walking on that rainy day wearing black tights, a black dress, a black trench, and a black umbrella, just as in the picture.

While holding this book by Vicki Archer, I paused to read a paragraph that caught my eye, or was my eye sent to this perfect page, the perfect section just for me this day? So, to set this up, I will tell you She and her husband purchased a small 50-acre farm unseen. Below are her thoughts as they come upon it for the first time......

"The farmhouse in view was not in line with the one in my imagination: What stood before us was derelict and in total disrepair. My excitement never faltered for a moment - these were mere hurdles to be jumped. My son, Paddy, whispered, "This is it, Mum. We've found it" My heart was hammering in my chest, tears filled my eyes, my ability to speak vanished and the momentous truth shook me like nothing before. If you believe there can be a moment in time when everything in your life changes, then for me, this moment had arrived.

I felt that way when each of my children were born.  And once, when I was fifteen, I spent some time on a ranch in Jacksonhole, Wyoming, and the Ski Resort town of Pinedale, Wyoming. I have never lost the desire to live there, not ever. Otherwise, no moments such as this family experienced. Their experience came through the book like a spiritual awakening directly at me. Thus, the tears. Of joy, sadness, loss, hope, or maybe I lived in France on that farm (Mas de Barnard, a Provencal mas, farmhouse) in a past life! Yeah, that is probably it.

Labels: le coup de foundre (love at first site)

Thursday, May 4, 2023

The Hitchhiker by Julianna Rowe

 Out on Amazon soon.   

The Hitchhiker by Julianna Rowe  Book #1

Cardboard Coffins is a series that takes place in 1966 while traveling the Old Mother Road Route 66 to Los Angeles.  

Chapter Ten “The Holding Cell”

This sure as heck was no cardboard box.  It was a cold gray holding cell and I was hungry and angry and staving off a serious nervous breakdown I surely deserved to have.  At least I had convinced myself I was justified in giving up.  Surviving had been my middle name most of my life.  Never giving up, always a smile no matter what.  Yet the hitchhiker saga pulled me to a depth I had never experienced.  Not even the death of my father had affected me in the way a total stranger named Roger had.  And I didn’t even know his name.

That is when I met Bambi, a girl of the night working the streets. Hence, a prostitute.  She had more rouge on her cheeks than I had ever seen on my old Grannie Gillie.  Well, I am exaggerating some.  Bambi would have been much prettier without all that makeup.  Nevertheless, she saw I was in distress and she came over to offer kindness to me.  Bambi told me not to worry. I would get to see the Judge the following day and I was lucky it wasn’t Friday because Friday meant no Judge until the following Monday.

I guess that was supposed to make me feel better but it didn’t.  I asked Bambi why I didn’t get to make a phone call.  I thought legally they had to give me one phone call before putting me in the pokey.  I told Bambi I didn’t even know why I was there.

She laughed as in disbelief.  I reiterated to her I was not a lady of the night.  That I had picked up a hitchhiker back in Illinois and I thought he might be the reason why we got stopped by Johnny Law who took my dog and my beautiful Pink Cadillac and I was so afraid they were gone forever. 

My story seemed to have shocked Bambi, but she told me to relax because if I hadn’t committed any crimes, I should be alright.

Now as I look back, I realize why she was shocked at my circumstances.  And yes, I should have been offered the option of a phone call.  She again had a puzzled look on her face regarding the fact I wasn’t offered my legal right to a phone call.

The guards finally came with dinner which amounted to a hot dog, peaches, some chocolate pudding, and a carton of warm milk.  Most of which I could not consume due to an allergy to milk so Bambi traded me her peaches for my pudding and milk which lifted my spirits some as I could not recall when I had eaten last.  That made me think of Duke and I started to cry.  Bambi put her arms around me and rocked me like a little kid.  I guess I needed that.

Then came the mats.  The guards had thrown them into the cell-like our livelihood meant nothing to them.  Like you throw a hunk of meat at a captive lion at the zoo.  The mats were to sleep on as there were too many bodies for the number of bunks in the holding cell.  Naturally, the weaker of the lot go to the floor and of course, that was me as in only the strong survive which used to be my motto but had now exited the building.

Bambi opted to sleep next to me so she could watch for any fights breaking out between the girls and which gave me a sense of security.  She could see how alone and simply stressed out I was.  My utter exhaustion caused me to sleep right through the noise of the women of the night and their constant drama until early morning.  They had been used to sleeping all day and working the streets all night thus, the noise and bickering.

And then came breakfast which was atrocious.  Slop with soggy white toast, a packet of jam, and cold coffee.

I prayed for the time to pass quickly so I could tell the Judge my story.  But I did not have a story.  At the least, I would hear what the charges against me were.  And then it began.  Every single girl was taken to the courtroom but me. My friend Bambi was gone.  I was all alone in that huge gray cell.  The only good part was no one would be staring at me when I used the toilet.  That degrading fact did not help my depression.  I had always been a very private person when it came to bathroom activities.  Therefore, this happening to me just added to my hate and anger for Roger.  Who the heck was Roger anyway and why did I get arrested?

That is when the woman guard opened the cell door, handcuffed me, and took me six floors down to Courtroom 107.  Judge Sommers.  As I stood before him trembling, he asked me if I knew why I was there.

I said, “No sir I do not. All I know is I was traveling to Los Angeles and picked up a hitchhiker in Illinois and ever since some very strange things have happened to me, sir.  I had never been in any sort of trouble in all my life.”

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Lifepath and Destiny Vibration FIVE by Julianna Rowe aka Diane Ogden

LifePath and Destiny  5 in Numerology......

As you can see by these photos, a five-vibration needs freedom! I am a frustrated nurturer caretaker who needs some action in her life! I have a 5 energy or vibration that loves freedom in all areas in my destiny placement. That means in the additions of my full birth name given to me by my parents (they fixed it so I was messed up forever!), blame blame? Absolutely!  Back to my point.  Our parents gave us our names which give us the first three of five numbers of energies we will live by all our lives unless we change our name.  The last two numbers come from the additions of our date of birth, which many say God gave us.  

Example: 10-13-1971   Lifepath: 1+1+3+1+9+7+1= 5

I am a person that wants freedom and adventure, and private detective work.  Yet I do none of that, which makes me want to go join a soap opera or a circus due to total boredom.  Who else takes weird photos of themselves for entertainment..... on the webcam.

Famous 5 lifepaths : Abraham Lincoln, Angelina Jolie, Bette Midler, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Charles Barkley, Clark Gable, Coretta Scott King, Dennis Quaid, Don Henley, Don Johnson, Helen Keller, Jackson Browne, Joe Vitale, Liv Tyler, Michael Losier, Mick Jagger, Nancy Laine, Ron Howard, Steven Spielberg, Wayne Parker, Willie Nelson

      Those with a Life Path of 5 seek freedom above all else. They are adventurers, have a restless nature, and are on the go, constantly seeking change and variety in life. They have a free spirit and need to have variety in their day. If they do not live the adventure, their lives become way too dramatic. They love meeting new people, trying new things, and living life for today, and curiosity leads them to constantly try to find the answers to life's questions. “Conservative” is a word that is probably never used to describe them, as they love taking risks and hate routine and repetition. Fives have a hard time settling down and have a fear of being trapped or smothered in a relationship. Their love of freedom extends beyond concern only for their own freedom, and they have a genuine concern for the freedom and welfare of others. Although Fives are extremely compassionate, their focus on adventure and curiosity can also distract them and keep them from being aware of the feelings of those around them. Furthermore, because they are always seeking the next adventure, their life can lack direction, and this can cause them to become discontent and impatient. Fives are very persuasive and excel at motivating people, which makes them ideal candidates to become salesmen. Any career requiring travel is also a great fit for those with Life Path number 5 since it will keep them away from the routine of many other jobs. Otherwise, they may feel a sense of restlessness if they get stuck in a mundane or repetitive job environment. Fives are also very versatile, which makes many other career choices suitable for them. A person with a lot of 5's in their chart will want to be their own boss. This person will not enjoy working a 9 to 5 job where they have to report to someone else each day. Life path number 5 is the number of freedom and change. Below are some key points you might want to take into consideration to help you on your path …

Aim for a career that lets you have adventures. You are capable of great originality in both thought and action. You could do something as dramatic as being a photographer for National Geographic or as simple as being a flight attendant. You can be self-indulgent, especially if you let yourself get bored. Allow yourself to enjoy your spirit of adventure, and you'll be able to find excitement in a walk around the block. If you can't travel, at least try new restaurants. You are sensual but don't bask in it. Don't forget to learn about yourself and other people while you explore.

lifepath 5 explanation from:

I am not a 5 Lifepath, rather I have the destiny energy 5 which will follow me all of my life until I fulfill it. (I am a lifepath 4, needer of security that holds back the 5.)

Friday, April 14, 2023

Lifepath 4: The Need for Security/Teacher


Life Path 4 .......The Need for Security....

You can find out what your lifepath number is by adding the day - month - and year you were born.
God gave you your date of birth and your parents gave you your name.  The first three numbers in the
additions of numerology are from your parents...not to be discussed until later.  The next two numbers
are from God and this one might be yours!  Let's say your date of birth is 11 - 12 - 1988.  You would
 add 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 8 = 31 = 4
People with a Life Path number 4 are the worker bees of society. If your Life Path is a 4 you are
 determined, practical, and hard-working. Down-to-earth is a term that is probably often used to
 describe you. You find hard work rewarding and don't look for the easy way to the top or to find
 success. Not only do you work hard yourself, but you expect the same from those around you.

The Fours like to be organized, and to put things back in their " proper place" … it is one of their
 strong points, and they feel better able to tackle challenges if they have a solid plan in place
 beforehand. They tend to be set in their ways and are drawn to leading an orderly life ie. "a place
 for everything and everything in its place." Home is their haven, and if their home environment
 appears sloppy and unkempt, that is a sign that a Life Path 4 person is not doing well.

They are usually very cerebral and need to find ways to relax their minds. Otherwise, great ideas
 live and die in their heads. They have a strong sense of right and wrong, are very honest, and
 value honesty in others. Four’s dreams are based on reality and they never question that you will
 have to work hard to make them come true. Loyal and very dependable, they make an excellent
friend or partner but may have just a small circle of friends.

On the negative side, Fours can be so set in their ways that they can often come across as
stubborn, rigid, or too serious. They also have a tendency to overlook tact and let their true feelings
 be known to all those around them, which can sometimes turn other people away from them. 
Although practical and good planners, Fours are extremely cautious and don't deviate much from
 their master plan, and because of this can sometimes miss opportunities that arise because they
 don't act on them quickly enough.

Life path number 4 is about putting all the pieces together, it is a builder number. You are grounded,
 serious, hardworking, analytical, practical, and disciplined. Below are some key points you might want
 to take into consideration to help you on your path …

You are the practical, content one in the crowd. You are probably drawn to building or construction,
 although you would also be a good lawyer, mechanic, engineer, or accountant. Whatever path you
 choose, don't hesitate to teach those around you.

Don't let yourself get bored. You have a tendency towards complacency when you think
 everything is under control. Don't let it blind you to new opportunities and projects.

You'll lean towards depression and fatigue if you don't get enough fun and relaxation. Relaxing
 isn't one of your talents, so do something active to recharge. Go to Disneyland and see how many
 rides you can do in one day. Backpacking might be just the thing for you.

You would probably enjoy volunteering in some way. Look for something that lets you pass on 
your skills to others.
(this information from:

Important people with the lifepath 4:

Arnold Schwarzenegger,  Bernie "BJ" Dohrmann, Bill Gates, Billy Graham, Bono, Brad Pitt,
 Bryan Adams **, Caroline Myss, Dale Earnhardt **, Dean Martin **, Demi Moore, Elton John,
 Frank Sinatra, Gary Craig, Jewel, John Assaraf **, John Kerry **, Marie Curie, Montel Williams,
Nicole Kidman, Norm Shealy, Oprah Winfrey, Sir Paul McCartney **Sir Richard Branson **
The people with the asterisks are 22 lifepaths.  They are here to change society in a master way.
They are chosen ones to change the world.  If they cannot their 22 turns BACK into a 4 vibration.
My Daughter Lindz is a 4 Lifepath. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Lifepath # Three: Nuumerology

 Lifepath 3.... Numerology....... by Juliana Rowe aka D.Ogden 

To find out your lifepath: Add the day of your birth and year of birth. 

For instance: Hillary Rodham Clinton was born on October 26th, 1947: 

10 + 26 + 1947 = 1983 = 21 = 3)

People with a Life Path number 3 have a very high level of creativity and self-expression. This abundance of creative energy, and the ease with which they are able to communicate in all areas, both written word and verbal, could lead them to become a poet, actors, writers, artists, or musicians. In fact, many writers, radio broadcasters, actors, singers, performers, and counselors share this life path number. 

That is my son #4. He is a Lifepath 3.

Threes are optimistic, extremely generous, and giving souls, and are able to find positivity in everything around them. People like to be around them, not only because of these qualities, but also because Threes have charismatic personalities, are great listeners, and are very conscious of other people's feelings and emotions. They can easily put the people around them at ease and make them feel comfortable. Because they enjoy living life to the fullest, Threes tend to live life for today and not worry about tomorrow. They have a hard time taking responsibilities seriously, and probably aren't very good with money, partly because they feel so positive about life they figure everything will work itself out fine. This can sometimes lead those with a Life Path of 3 to live superficially, a lack of direction in their life, and procrastinate. When they are hurt emotionally, threes tend to withdraw and become moody, and can sometimes make biting comments to lash out at people around them. They can be manic-depressive if they do not use their creative energy and tend to exaggerate the truth.

Life path number 3 is a strong vibration, one of creative self-expression, independence, playfulness, and communication. Below are some key points you might want to take into consideration to help you on your path …You have to be who you are. You are a joyful spirit, and probably talented, witty, and charming. Don't settle for the superficial, but use those qualities as ways to dive deeper into your own soul. Aim for a career that lets you express yourself. You could head for entertaining, but you would also be a great designer, jeweler, writer, or hairdresser. You're good at seeing the overall structure of whatever you're working on. Remain open-minded. Do the essential things first, then look for the frosting. Don't be afraid to be ambitious.


Alan Alda, Alec Baldwin, Andrew Weil, Barbara Walters, Bill Cosby, Bob Vadas, Christina Aguilera, David Bowie, Enya, Hillary Clinton, Jack Welch, Jimmy Buffett, Jodie Foster, John Travolta, Josh Grobin, Linda McCartney, Mary J Blige, Melanie Griffith, Pierce Brosnan, Scott Baio, Shania Twain, Snoop Dogg, Sonny Barger

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Numerology Lifepath 2

 Lifepath 2.... Numerology by Julianna Rowe aka Diane O  

 First of all that is my dog! She hates conflict too. And the handsome man is my son who has a Lifepath 2.  To find out your Lifepath number and the energies you carry with you all your life... add the month, day, and year you were born.                  

September 21, 1978        9 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 9 = 11 = 2                       

God gave you the day you were born!  Well, unless some doctor decided to induce you early for whatever I hope Godly reason.  And your parents gave you your name so you can blame them if you've had a hell of a life.  Actually, all you have to do is change your name. Or change one letter of it! If you are married to a 2 lifepath just know that person needs to know they are loved.  They are mediators. They do not like conflict and are sensitive!

The following information is learned from Glynis Has Your Number book which can be ordered online at her website with the same name.  She is amazing at explaining numerology in a very understanding manner.

Lifepath 2 Vibration:  The Mediator 

This person is someone who is seeking harmony in life.  They do not want conflict.  Music has an especially soothing effect on them.  They are easygoing.  They look for love.  If you want someone who is affectionate, you should seek a 2 lifepath number because they do like hugs and kisses.  Unless all their other numbers are moving them away from it, it's their natural way. They are mediators and dislike conflict and will do whatever it takes to avoid it. If there are two people in their lives fighting, they'll try to fix it.  2's tend to be psychic.  They have dreams that tend to come true.  They also experience deja vu.  It's never a problem for them to follow; they don't have to be a leader. Because of their natural psychic ability, they tend to be good at astrology, Numerology, tarot reading, tea leaf reading, and "I Ching."  They also are good at counseling and social work.  They have tremendous compassion for people, and 2's don't like to be alone.  They crave unconditional love and make great parents, who tend to be friends with their children.

2's don't need the spotlight. They'll do the job.  As a matter of fact, they are the type of number that would donate to a charity in secret.  They would just do it out of the kindness of their heart. 2's need to bring people together and they're the ones to see when looking for anything from a dentist to a carpenter.  They know everyone and love to help them out. The only time a 2 gets angry is if they feel pushed or threatened.  Otherwise, they are easygoing.  If you look into their eyes, you can just see what good people they are.  That's just where they come from.  The flip side of a 2 is that every so often you might meet a 2 who feels they do everything for everybody and they feel drained.  Yet if you know them personally, you may feel they are giving themselves too much credit. So simply, if you look at a number (and I tend to go towards the positive of who they are), there are two sides -- the positive and the negative.  I still think it's important, when it comes to a 2, to keep in mind that they are here to love others and to be loved in return.  If you work with them, they will definitely come through for you.  2's have to be careful not to take on the problems of the people they love.  My (Glynis McCants) analogy for the 2 is that if they saw someone in a well, and the person said, "Help me," the 2 would jump in and ask, "What's wrong?" only to look up and say, "Oh God now we're both in here."So it's important for the 2 to have passionate empathy but to stand back and say,  "Okay I'm sorry that happened, but it's your problem.  I'll help as best I can but I'm not going to get in it with you." 2's have to be careful not to place themselves at another's disposal because eventually, they will get angry and resentful.  2 often worries about what others think of them.  Of course, you have to stop and say, "What people think of me is none of my business." 2's have to let these criticisms be like water off a duck's back. It's important that the 2 keeps the peace, but not at the cost of their sanity. When a situation gets too extreme -- and the 2 is surrounded by emotional vampires, who are taking all their energy - It's OK to just walk away.  Otherwise, what you don't deal with mentally will eventually attack you physically, and that's why 2's can wind up with physical problems. 2 vibrations, although they do tend to be peacemakers and seek harmony when they feel threatened or pushed to the wall and get upset, it is like a volcano erupting.

Famous people with Lifepath 2:   Information gathered from

Al Gore * Barack Obama * Bill Clinton * Bob Hope Colin Powell * Jackie Kennedy *Jennifer Aniston

Madonna* Meg Ryan* Michael Jordan * Prince Charles * Richard Burton* Robert Monroe *

Ronald Reagan * Rose Kennedy * Rush Limbaugh * Terri Irwin * Tim McGraw *

If you would like to know your lifepath send me your name and date of birth at:



Saturday, April 8, 2023

Lifepath #9 in Numerology


Numerology 9 LifePath ......

You can find out what your lifepath is by adding up the month/day/year. 
Example: 11-22-1947  1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 4 + 7 = 27 = 9

The 9 lifepath energy is a humanitarian.  A giver.  Executive Leader. The 9 usually also has issues with
one or both parents where they feel either abandoned or totally responsible for one or both parents. 
They have an attachment to their original family and need to let go of them. And sometimes the 
9 lifepath shows signs that someone has messed with their confidence.  The 9 needs to be needed. 
9's are always taking care of people.  But, many times they live in the past. 9's need to lighten up 
and forgive themselves for being human. They need to stay positive.  9's make good writers, reporters, doctors, nurses, lecturers, artists, illustrators, and social workers.

Rock  Hudson = 9 lifepath
Tom Jones = 9 Lifepath                   
Lisa Marie Presley = 9 Lifepath
Lance Armstrong = 9 Lifepath
Anthony Hopkins = 9 Lifepath
Garth Brooks = 9 Lifepath
Shirley MacClaine = 9 Lifepath
Camilla Parker Bowles = 9 Lifepath
Frank Lloyd Wright = 9 Lifepath
Ricky Martin = 9 Lifepath
Mahatma Gandhi = 9 Lifepath
Whitney Houston = 9 Lifepath
Robin Williams - 9 Lifepath
Kurt Russell =  9 Lifepath
Harrison Ford = 9 Lifepath
Elvis Presley = 9 Lifepath plus his name adds up to 22 master number
Bob Marley =  9 Lifepath
Ricky Nelson = 9 Lifepath
Jimi Hendrix = 9 Lifepath
George Burns = 9 Lifepath
Alan Greenspan = 9 Lifepath
Charles Lindbergh = 9 Lifepath
Me = Julianna Rowe aka Diane Ogden = 9 Lifepath

Some of my information is learned from the book: Glynis Has Your Number

Thursday, April 6, 2023

At The Heart of all TRAUMA..... ( by Jeff Foster)


At the heart of all trauma, a terrible sense of isolation, disconnection, loneliness.
Follow your trauma to its devastating core, friend, to its heart of darkness, and you will inevitably meet the abandonment wound, the pain of all pains.
Abandoned by mother, father. Forgotten and misunderstood by the world. Cast out of heaven and separated from the Godhead. Divided from life.
Of course, it’s an illusion. You were never separate from the mountains, the forests, the diamond drops of morning dew. You were never broken, never rotten at your core, never separate from the One. You were always loved. The terrible heart of darkness was always your own exquisitely beautiful heart of light, so fragile, so powerful, so loveable, so real.
Ultimately others cannot save us. Each of us are called to confront our aloneness, dive into the heart of our trauma, and find solace and sanctuary there. Others can hold our trembling hands but they cannot travel for us.
There is no external saviour, and the lie of love is that another human being - parent, partner, guru or god - can complete you.
No. Your completeness is in your brokenness. We cannot save each other but we can weep together, walk together, share our terror, our horror, our shame, our hope and our awe.
Walking in the forest at dawn, our eyes meet.
I recognise your longing as my own.
Love is a recognition.
- Jeff Foster

Wednesday, April 5, 2023


 My Firstborn Son Lives in a Small Box, a Cell


By Judge Dennis Challeen

We want them to have self-worth

So we destroy their self-worth

We want them to be responsible

So we take away all responsibility

We want them to be positive and constructive

So we degrade them and make them useless

We want them to be trustworthy

So we put them where there is no trust

We want them to be non-violent

So we put them where violence is all around them

We want them to be kind and loving people

So we subject them to hatred and cruelty

We want them to quit being the tough guy

So we put them where the tough guy is respected

We want them to quit hanging around losers

So we put all the losers under one roof

We want them to quit exploiting us

So we put them where they exploit each other

We want them to take control of their lives, own problems and quit being a parasite...

So we make them totally dependent on us

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Gut Instincts........ by Julianna Rowe aka Diane Ogden


My friend and mentor always told me to make decisions using my "gut." You know, as in "gut instincts?" Well, it stinks alright because what starts in my head ends up like scrambled eggs or Humpty Dumpty that can't get put back together again....Or like a big ball of unraveling string. And we are all learning or have learned that what we think is what we get. Oh great, now I can think about how I can be put back together again, like Humpty or Scrambled Eggs. If made incorrectly without following the "gut instinct," some decisions could have those not-so-good consequences. to cut the ball of unraveling string that leads to the heart and causes heart strings, and those strings don't live too far from the poor "gut" that is trying to unravel the mess and come out with a clear answer.

Sometimes I don't do anything regarding a decision that allows life to decide for me...again, not-so-good, I have found out through trial and error. How much error can the mind and body handle? Pretty much from my experience. Not that I wish to experience such again. Letting life make my journey vs. mwah, that is!

 So, is my gut half full or half empty?  Or is my brain half full or half empty?  Don't answer that!