These folks were nice to me, they let me drive past them on a street...
Then I moved on down to Monroe Street and thought I would share this fellow with you. I see him once a month for the past several years. But today I really saw him, quite a nice display for a record/audio shop.
Then into a unique little floral shop where I found these little guys from Europe. They cost as much as the ship that brought them over here. And they have different clothes for different occasions. People put them on their Macys Porches. ha. I thought of putting them together on a small hanging swing or on a sled at Christmas. On the Macy's Porch than is.
Then I see this little yellow light that says LOW TIRE.
Disregard the empty gas b
because that is broken so I use trip set. Off I went to find air. I tried to put air in the front tires but the LOW TIRE didn't go off. Finally I had to go get professional help. Turns out I had 45 lbs. of air the rear tires which only called for 32. Oh dear! The lite is still on.....
It was late in the day so I ran home, loaded more papers, and my dog Grace for the 45 minute drive to Prairie du Sac and Sauk City.... I ran into a wedding, got ethanol free gas, a McDonald's quarter pounder with no cheese or onions of which Grace and I shared. Just couldn't make it home for food. What a day....
Say Good Night Grace.....