The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)
Showing posts with label Reincarnated dog.....nahh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reincarnated dog.....nahh. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Grendel, Major and Love

OK so I love this dog!  This dog is not my dog.  He belongs to a client of mine therefore I see him twice a month.  And when I see him he cries and shakes like I am someone he once knew deeply and has missed dreadfully.  Maybe its just the cheap milkbone biscuits I bring him, but I dont think so.  It's over the top.  Look into those eyes and tell me this isnt a very special animal.  Actually I bring him extra treats, brush him when my time allows, throw his tennis ball as far as I can considering I really have what they call a "girl throw."  I love this dog!  I wish I could babysit him sometime, but I have a little do da day 6 pounder that Grendel just might step on accidentally.  And a cat that could end up a big fur ball, or vice versa!   I am just happy to see him a couple times a month. As for the title of this blogpost... Major was a good friend of mine back in the 70's....I miss him and his unconditional love and Grendel fills that "dead," sad, memorable, good space for me.