The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Control Does Not Equal Power!! by Clutch Cargoe (Written by my son who is incarcerated )

 Control Does Not Equal Power!!!


Control Does Not Equal Power!!!


Greetings and well wishes once again.

When I was younger, I always tried to control the actions of others around me and let me point out to them how they could do things differently or how they did or are doing it wrong! I thought that by directing their actions I could get MY desired outcome thru them.  Of course that was without considering their personal rights.

Truth of the matter is I was not in control of my own life and emotions, thus I attempted to live through others by attempting to control how they thought and what they could and couldn't do.  It was not until later in life that I realized how unhealthy this was and is.

Everyone is free to feel, think, talk, and act however they like.  Even while you may provide them helpful suggestions and advice, it is ultimately up to them whether to take advantage of them!  And if they choose not to listen to you it is not a personal attack or disrespect towards you, rather it is them exercising their right to choose for themselves the direction of their own life. (path)  Whether you agree or not.  And if they do choose to do differently than you advised...... you should not put them down, speak ill of them, rather you should move on with your own life's decisions.  Sometimes this is doubly hard if you are in a relationship and this is a boyfriend/girlfriend situation.  That is when you tend to think the other party does not love you because they are not doing as you want when in truth maybe you don't love them for who they are. Or they may be reacting to your choices.  Either way, if you are trying to change and control them there is a strong possibility you are not in control of your own life.  Therefore, you may feel the need to direct and control the people around you so you can live thru them.

Here in prison, I see this daily in the majority of the people I am surrounded by which has caused me to take a good hard look at the situation and learn from it.  If this is happening in your life, I can only suggest you analyze the problems and attempt a rational solution without degrading or abusing any one's rights.  Sometimes you must let a loved one do as they are going to do without arguing over something that neither of you are going to come out the better from.

Hopefully this has helped .....   be well, be safe and have a nice day.

Until next time....Clutch out

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