The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Saturday, June 29, 2024

"DUMPING" by Clutch Cargoe Passed onto you: by Julianna Rowe

 "DUMPING" Clutch Cargoe

I haven't posted anything for my son Clutch for a while. Time tends to get away from us all especially when someone you love is serving TIME.  I had emailed him the other day while in a less then happy mood.  In fact I was rather sad.

I decided to share some of his wisdom from now on.  I rec'd this after telling him I was sorry for sharing my sadness.  This was his response:

It's okay, I understand you were "dumping" sorrow. People need that sometimes.

I do it too. The trick is don't get mad when someone dumps on you. Understand they getting it off their chest and mind and be thankful you were there for them to dump also.

They chose you - what an honor ;-]

Be kind, love well, and move on. Dump when you need to.

The problem comes in.... when 2 people try to dump on each other at same time. That never works as each one feels disrespected and the neither is paying enough attention to the hurt coming from the other. So in any dumping situation one must choose to be the bigger person and allow the other to dump doing so with kindness and love, which avoids arguments.

Thus therein lies the problem due to the fact most people are so concerned with their own emotions

they become selfish and want to put the other down and this happens due to the lack of empathy - understanding – compromise and most of all the lack of understanding communication. As most of us do that incorrectly hence all the life problems.

At least that's how I see it. 

Have nice day....

Your friends will make ya laugh ;-][

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