The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Saturday, December 17, 2022



Life is like a garden. Some of the flowers flourish, and some die away. There are many reasons, but mostly it is just life. Life is given, and life is taken. It is a gift that many misuse and take for granted. Listen to your spirit's lead as a horse listens and reacts to the guiding hand of his rider. To live life on your own without the spirit/heart's lead is like pulling teeth without Novocain. Your light becomes brighter when life lessons are learned and you believe in yourself. Your wishes come true because they are merely little desires of the heart your Angels bring to you. See yourself as a pure reflection sent from the Universe above, and do not waiver from that vision of yourself. Then you can walk tall, walk proud, walk on.

I had been in the belly of the whale more than once. Places not only did others put me, but I put myself by not seeing my true reflection. By only visiting the pictures others drew for me, of me. They judged, and I took their word over the truth. When this happens, it causes an avalanche of pain and generations of garbage. Then the innocent little ones come into our world with mud on them. Our mud.

But I was not there yet! I had more to learn.

"She's beautiful, but somewhere there is a major flaw."


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