I will be posting a new chapter of my latest novel .....daily
The Horrors that Hide by Julianna Rowe
Intro: There he is again, lying in his recliner, hiding from
something, or maybe just the world. He might act like the most approachable and
sensitive person you could meet, all the while learning how to manipulate
emotions and actions to serve his purposes that would seem to have been led by
someone in the hereafter world.
The Horrors That Hide by
Julianna Rowe
Chapter One: Law and Order
During an intense episode of Law and Order, Adam and I heard
a strange noise coming from one of the bedrooms in the West Wing of 532 S.
Monroe. It wasn’t unusual to hear strange sounds on occasion from that area. Everyone
knew about the kid, well I guessed he was nearly a man, considering he had
graduated high school. Anyway, he committed suicide in that wing of the house,
thus the strange noises, not to mention lights flashing on and off by
themselves, especially during a full moon. He made it obvious he had something
he needed to finish saying on this plane, yet there was no means to do it
except by using electricity and sound waves. Made sense to me, considering I
believed the world would come and go, slash revolve around simple and complex
Ordinarily, Adam and I would ignore most anything that
occurred in that wing of the house. It had been all but closed off since Auntie
Rose died, except for Adam’s men’s night. Drinking and gambling. Despite the
fact there hadn’t been any activity in such a long time, I decided to check it
out anyway. I wanted my husband to do it, but we all knew men didn’t see and
think about things differently. He would just disregard, and continue watching
the television as usual.
I was flipping on lights as I went along the corridors. Well,
it was only a cross between a corridor and a hallway, but sure as heck felt
like a passageway to another world when the light decided to blow out. The
walls were painted a dark green with mahogany trim, making it darker. I
squealed like I had a reason to be afraid. It was more like a scream, but no
one rose from their big brown leather chair to see if I were alright. He loved
seeing the damsel in distress in his old cowboy movies, but when it came to his
wife checking on strange sounds in the night by herself in the old mansion, she
was on her own! Little did I know how much on my own I would be.
Oddly, the flashlight had been put back in its proper
placement in the kitchen pantry. I didn’t think much about the corridor light
burning out until I noticed the guest bedroom lights were also out. I guessed
it was a breaker that needed flipping, but what was the noise we heard? I was
wandering toward the breaker box in the back closet, thinking it was strange
how the floor was creaking. My mind reassigned itself to months past where we
had all the old wiring and fuses electrically updated to breakers. As I came
back from my trance regarding our expensive overhaul of wiring, I realized I
had never noticed such weakness in those floorboards in the past, but then it
had been some time. Actually, never had I had to rescue a lighting issue in our
home. I mean, come on, it was a brand-new system. I opened the door to
the metal breaker box and stepped inside. That is when my world went into a
forever reverser.
As I stepped in, the floor gave way, and opened the death-lingering
container rabbit hole it would become. I shot straight down nine feet, landing
on a soft clay surface of an unknown substance. To think terrified was an
understatement. Immediate recall went to the Florida man who fell into the
sinkhole from his bed in the middle of the night while screaming for his
brother to help him as he sank thirty feet never to be seen again, suffocating
as his muddy breaths sucked dirt into his nasal cavity down to his thrashing
throat and gasping lungs. I was in shock as I slowly regained a few brain cells,
allowing me to think it was purely an accident. The floor simply gave way in an
old house, and Adam would soon come and find me. This time he would have his
own personal damsel in distress, as in the episode of Law and Order I had just
walked away from in our peaceful living room. His favorite fantasy was right
before him. The only thing lacking was the railroad tracks, and me tied to them
with the train coming. Little did I know it was much worse.
Finally, able to stand up and survey the damage, I noticed
no caving hole in the ceiling from where I had crashed through the closet
floor. My breathing was becoming faster out of fear, and then the gasping began.
I was suffocating. I realized there wasn’t enough oxygen for me to survive in
that hole of death. I cupped my hands over my mouth, trying to stop the
hyperventilating, yet wishing for death to come soon, so the suffering would
cease, but death did not come. I was having a panic attack. When I finally
overcame the injustice of the situation on my body and mind, I saw a door
showing me a dimly lit path. I suddenly felt as though I were in a movie scene
where Lois Lane or Nicole Kidman were in dire need of saving, but Superman and
or Tom Cruise never showed up. I was not short of oxygen, rather I was gasping
for air due to fear. But, I was underground, or was I? I must have had a
concussion, and I was delirious was the only logical explanation.
When my breathing came back from death to life, I walked
toward the open door, passed through it almost afraid I might never get back to
the place I dropped from the closet a million miles ago in our West Wing. My
screaming for hours went unnoticed. Why wasn’t Adam coming for me? Surely, he
had checked on me, or had he fallen asleep in the huge leather chair that had
taken my place long ago. Oh, how I had missed holding him, caressing him,
touching his skin after he was clean-shaven. How I would let him rest his head
on my shoulder while I gently played with his auburn hair, moving my fingers
down across his forehead, then over his closed relaxed eyes onto his nose, then
across his soft lips. Sometimes he would retrieve one of my fingers into his
mouth, gently caressing it and then releasing it back to me.
I screamed his name. “ADAM, help me! HELP ADAM PLEASE!”
But, there was no answer. Adam did not come. After a while,
I stopped screaming, and figured he would wake up and find me eventually. Trying
to calm myself, I meandered onto the odd surroundings I had fallen into. I
thought how Adam would be shocked at these underground quarters someone from
the past had designed very well, for what reason we would surely discover.
Yet the décor was not old-fashioned. If this had been a
hiding area during the Civil War or for slaves. No, this was more a state-of-the-art
modern-day décor. It was fully furnished, and that was when my gut sensed
something amiss, and I became frightened.
Was this the work of some diabolical genius who previously
owned the home? No, I had owned the home for many years, but how was whoever
getting in and out of this underground prison? Was there food here? I continued
walking around, attempting to assess the situation, all the time trying to
pretend this was not happening to me. I had fallen into a deep hole in the
direction of Hell on Earth. Like those sinkholes in Florida, we would see on
TV, but my sinkhole came furnished. This just wasn’t normal. Of course, it
wasn’t normal for God’s sake. I had just fallen through the floor of my home
into what I didn’t know what.
What was Adam doing? Was he looking for me? Did he fall
asleep, and wouldn’t even miss me until morning? And then what would he do? Would
he think I got up early and went somewhere? I started screaming, until my
throat gave me definite signals to stop, or I would end up with throat polyps
and talk like a heavy smoker the rest of my life. At the rate I was going,
there wouldn’t even be surgery to fix the polyps, because I was never going to
get out of this place. Anxiety riddled my body like buckshot on a bear’s
behind. What if Adam thought I simply decided to leave him for a better life
somewhere—to disappear.
Wait, stop, think!
There had to be an exit for whoever constructed this
fortress. They—whoever they were—had to get food, and at that thought, I headed
for the refrigerator. EMPTY! I stood staring, knowing this meant because I
didn’t die from the fall, I would surely die of starvation. No food. I loved to
eat. That was when the tears began falling, and as they fell, I also realized
that would deplete my body of any extra fluids as well, so I had better stop
the bawling, or as my dad used to say, “Oh stop your bellowing.” As in a cow bellows.
A terrible thing for a dad to say to a little girl, but he was an old farmer,
so it went.
I needed to stop my brain from wandering and begin thinking
about how to escape. Escape what? I simply fell into an old passageway for
slaves from the civil war, but in my heart, I knew that was not true. The décor
was too updated. I started dragging and piling the furniture one on top of
another at the area I fell through the closet floor. I climbed my makeshift
ladder of instability, and was almost to the top when we, as in chairs and more
chairs all crashed to the floor. The floor was made of old barn boards, yet was
unusually clean. Who had kept this hidden area of confinement clean for his or
her satanic purposes? Damn, I was scared. Where was Adam? Why wasn’t he banging
on the floor? Of course, he wasn’t banging on the floor, why would he? But
where did he think I went? And what time was it? I had no cell phone with me. Nothing.
And now I had to pee. I began searching for a commode or something usable as
such. There were dark narrow hallways leading to more barn board walls, each of
which I pushed and pulled, attempting to find a secret exit. There had to be
one, and there had to be a toilet of some sort for people that hid here at one
time. I eventually came upon a tiny room closed off with a metal door. How in
the name of Sam hell did anyone get a metal door down here? I carefully opened
it to find a man-made shit hole, a five-gallon bucket, as in my parents’ house
on the farm, and written on the wall was a very personal sign that read:
“Dear Jayne, I decided this was much easier and less costly
than getting a divorce. My life with you has been like what this room
represents. I hope you enjoy your short stay. Love Adam.
Frozen was putting it mildly. I was frozen with more
pain-filled anger than I had ever known in my entire lifetime. Hate was
operating as a skilled surgeon through every vein in my body. To Hell, if I
would let him get away with this horrific crime. Starving me to death, after
all I have done for him, and with him, and
just because we believed differently politically, or so I thought. I didn’t
plan his death, because he didn’t vote for who I thought he should vote for. I
always remained silent when he talked incessantly about his conspiracy theories,
and how the government was listening to our phones and spying on us in our
homes, and how the last election was this and that, and so off the charts
unrealistically unbelievable. How the past President drank the blood of I couldn’t
remember who or what.
The tears were starting to come again. The anger subsided,
and the pain came in rushes like storm clouds over an already beaten down
cornfield. The fruits of the land were laying down dried up and nearly dead. Like
I felt. And with that, I sobbed myself to sleep on the soft purple sofa that
sat on the barn flooring in my large casket of death. When the anger in my
blood woke me, I wondered if Adam felt less guilty buying such a soft purple
sofa for his wife to lie on while she starved to death, and what was he going
to do when my body started to stink from rotting under the beautiful mansion we
had built together for years. Wasn’t he afraid I might haunt him? I will! I will!
No, he didn’t, because he didn’t think that far ahead.
I began to dream, or was I in that state of in-between,
thinking about how Adam had walked into my life uninvited. Was that
passive-aggressive? All these years was he planning to kill me? Suddenly, my
mind was reeling in a thick distasteful memory mixed with many good years. My
thoughts came in pictures of lovely flowerbeds with sudden mudslides smothering
and snuffing the life out of them in a fraction of a second, and then my mind
went back to the beginning again, that first day I met Adam.
He had walked over to the booth I was dining at and slid
himself smoothly onto the soft leather seat opposite me. I looked up from the trance
I had been in while eating the meal I had been momentarily alone with. I turned
my head slightly to the left, looking over the top of my newly purchased pink
leopard glasses, waiting for the intrusive stranger to speak. Obviously, he was
waiting for my reaction to his rude entrance into my world, but I didn’t speak
as he had expected, rather I took another bite of my salmon marinade with
asparagus, and as I slowly chewed, I met his eyes again and waited.
He was a handsome fellow who was used to intimidating women.
What he didn’t know was he had briefly stunned me, and that I had learned from
experience how to play that poker game. While he sat stupidly trying to figure
out what to do next, my mind took me to a different place. I asked myself what
would happen if I had slipped into a booth on the opposite side of this man
while he was quietly eating his meal? What if I sat there looking all beautiful
waiting for him to respond to my uninvited gorgeous presence? That made me
instantly want to save him from his self-made conceited grave site, considering
that was what I had done for others most of my life. But I didn’t. I restrained
my deep-rooted compulsion to be the savior of any and every one in need of
saving. He was the one that slithered into my space and hadn’t slithered back
out yet, so I just kept eating and watching him squirm uneasily.
Finally considering his looks hadn’t saved him, nor did I,
he spoke, “May I join you; my name is Adam.”
I finished chewing before releasing him from his mental
confinement, by responding, “Why, of course, Adam, and did you bring your evil
apple for me to partake of as well?”
It was then I realized I might have gone too far and had
become the intimidating one. I then broke the ice with casual laughter, and the
words, “It is nice to meet you, Adam, at least I think so.”
His neck jolted in a slightly backward motion and his eyes
changed their intention to a more query state, as he responded, “I guess I
deserved that. Please, forgive my intrusion, but it was the only way I could
think of to meet you.”
I smiled and exchanged a more reasonable chatter.
We had so many good years to have them end like this in murder?
Max seven days and I would be dead. I never had a reason to
google what a person would go through while dying without food or water. I had seen
children from other countries with their bones sticking out dehydrated with
flies all over their bodies. The one good thing was there are no flies down
here. What was I thinking? My mind had gone into mass confusion, unable to
bring forth one solid thought, and then it happened out of the darkness of the
situation, I saw ‘it.’
I remembered years ago when we were viewing ‘it’ before
purchasing. Adam and I had walked around to the backyard area, and noticed the
neighbor kitty-corner to the left bulldozing a large area from the mid-center
of our view toward their property. At the end of the dozing was a double garage
door. They had decided since the previous owner had passed away, and no one
seemed to care for the property, they would on their own create a new entrance
to their garage, a much nicer entrance that held a place for their boat. I was
amazed at the gall of some people, but the pieces were coming together right
inside my hungry scared mind. I had left town to visit a friend in North
Carolina a while back. I noticed some dark lines in our backyard, and asked
Adam what caused them. He blew me off with some story about how he spilled weedkiller,
and had to buy some new carpet grass to repair what he had ruined. Of course, I
bought his explanation. Why wouldn’t I?
Adam had been planning this for a long time. My manipulative
husband had planned my murder for months or maybe years.
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