A silent path led me upward into a dense grey fog. Each step
I left behind appeared to call out to old enemies as though I was climbing away
from them but, what into? I had no fear even though at times my mind felt
something pulling me back down. But the
voice inside my head continued moving me forward almost like I had no
choice. The steps were a continuation of
my life, but they did not impede my questioning heart as it moved up farther and
farther. Suddenly a larger-than-life living
vine appeared at the side of each step promising better to come. After time
filled its space and gathered its proper timetable it released me to a red
majestic rock plateau. I was moved gently off the steps onto a hard surface
above the mind of the world. I was at the edge of infinity. My pure energy spaces. I asked the mind if I were alone? It showed me through its eye of mine that
only a select few were allowed inside my energy. There were several there with me, oddly not
the ones I thought would be. And there
was one outside my energy field wanting to join but being held back by an invisible
veil. It was someone who thought they could enter in but their love was not
pure causing them pain like when you were a child and the other kids were at a
birthday party. The party door was open.
Candy, cake, games, amazing food, presents, and fun. But you could not get
in because you were not pure. You sat
down and stared at what you could not have whilst you shed a tear for what you
wanted so badly to fulfill your life. I was told that was an example of the many
in life who for whatever reason do not attain their hopes and dreams.
I as well shed a tear
for the many who have not the gift of wisdom, faith, or maybe just luck, to have
found your way to what you wanted.
I spread my arms at the top of the plateau as though I were
the eagle. I peered down through the clouds into the enemies I had left
behind. My people of pure energy
surrounded me as we filled our minds with one another’s goodness and waited for
instructions from the main source on what was next. It was hard to leave my friends
outside and below the veil. We each choose
when to move to a higher plateau and leave behind those unable to find their
way. If not, "the" trail of their tears
would keep us from our own destiny.
Climb the living vine while you still have time.
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