The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Friday, June 10, 2022

Mother's Dirty Crystals by Julianna Rowe


There really is no story today except that I have had COVID for 11 days.  Even though I had the Pfizer shot and two boosters.  I eat well, I exercise, and I have a positive attitude that is at present in the outhouse! Actually, I am pissed!  I enjoy working and have missed two weeks.  It has been hard to do the one thing we humans need to do to live.  BREATHE!  

Eleven days of little sleep, anti-viral meds, an antibiotic, twice in the E.R., nebulizer breathing treatments, salt water inhalation, and knock-out prednisone, second round.  Oh, and my face is numb and I am itching, and the chest is still tight.  Could be the partial lobectomy three years ago.  Just add it to the list of seven decades. 

That all said, I have resorted to taking photos of things in my apartment.  It's called boredom. I pulled out my old Canon camera, took a few shots, and realized my new Samsung S21 Ultra takes better ones.  So I you tubed tutorials's considering the camera portion is very intense. I took pics of my jewelry and other odd things.  What I did learn is the amount of dust I have accumulated and that would include before COVID struck me down.  

This is a pic I took of fake leaves.  I attached my mother's OLD crystal clip earrings onto it some time ago.  Must have been another boring day but at least no COVID back then.  Anyway, when I saved the pic to my PC I obviously saw how the dust blanketed the leaves and enhanced my photo.  Not!  But then I could tell you I did it on purpose to show the comparison of Mother's seventy-year-old crystal clip-on earrings and age.  But that would be a lie.  Guess I need one of those feather dusters.  I do think clipping the earrings onto the leaves as though they were glass flowers was a creative way to display them versus stashing them in a drawer.  

I display old glassware with string lites on top of my bookshelves.  Mother's crystal necklace is adorning the bottle to the left.

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