I went to bed last night around ten pm. I usually sleep quite soundly but there was a mouse on my mind that has taken residence in my kitchen making my two (rescue) cats prowl the area in trepidation, less the fear part of the word, and hoping to score a win. My thoughts on the other hand were of sweet pets bringing me a present middle of the night. So when I heard a knock on my outside door I freaked because I was already freaked internally mentally. Wait, mentally is internally.
Terror gripped me. I grabbed my phone and readied it to dial 911. I slithered out of bed in my short T shirt, undies, and socks due to cold feet and slowly walked to the door. Why slowly I have no idea. I peeked out the peep hole expecting an ax murderer but it was a woman with her head down. OMG I thought she was hurt and needed help or was she kidding me to get into my abode and steel my lap top and or TV and or the $60 in my old black purse. I have nice purses just wasn't using one yesterday! I looked for blood on her head and neck but there was none. Who was she? So...without further thought I just opened the door in my shorty T hoping that would detour any thoughts of my upcoming death by axe. It had been a boring slow day anyway.
To my astonishment there at the foot of her and my door was Bob. My cat.
I flung my disheveled hair back like I was a movie star ignoring my exposed under's and legs.... and exclaimed.
He heard his name, looked up at me, and walked in with a slight trot. The boy cat had been wondering the lonely halls and dim dark doorways since about nine that evening when my granddaughter ran in to pick up something she had left over the weekend. How he escaped without me noting it bewildered me but he did, not to say he never has before but I always caught him in the act. Oh sometimes I would let him walk as far as he wanted sniffing selected doors. I always wondered why just some doors. What would cause him to bypass other doors??
The cat savior lady told me she was just going to start at the first door and go knocking on each of eleven doors until she found his home. Lucky Lady got lucky on number 1. I thanked her and offered her a million dollars, as soon as my wish came forth. We laughed, she left.
As long as I was up and about I went to use the "rest" room saving me the usual two pm bathroom run. Bob followed me into the "REST" room all the time watching my every move. I sat down as predicted and Boom, he jumped in my lap, reached his paws around my neck hugging me and kissing my face while I am attempting to gain control of the uppie (I roll my tissue from the top, not underneath) toilet tissue so I could get life back under control. Obviously BOB was happy to be back home. And the other rescue Lucy was all over him greeting him like he had been missing from our lives for days versus two hours. It could have been worse like most things but it wasn't except for the shorty T shirt thingy deal. The End. Does Bob look like he cares?? I always save him! And I should for I am responsible for Mr. Bob Benjamin Morrison Ogden. (He has his own blog)
Hopefully Bob will think twice before he escapes again. You were brave.