The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Monday, April 20, 2020

Dear Mother, In case the COVID19......

Dear Mother,                

Thank you for calling me and wishing me well and for the beautiful flowers before my surgery last year.  I hope neither of us will be in the hospital with CORVID19 when you receive this.  I want you to know I remember all the wonderful things you did for me when I was growing up.  The Easter cakes you would make that looked like a Bunny nest. I loved the coconut and jelly been eggs.  All the yeast breads you baked from the Betty Crocker Cook book (I still have.)  The Christmas’s….the popcorn and berries I really didn’t like stringing.  Hated the tinsel by the way. The canned HAM metal opening “key twists” that hung from the tree.  The construction paper rings we glued into long garlands.  The stories you read us at bedtime from the big red book collection. The Pied Piper. The Shoemaker.  The Kings Coat. And many more.   The plaster molds you made and let me paint.  The time you stayed up all night making me a dress for the Homecoming Dance.  The time you fell while you were pregnant and unconscious….I put my cowgirl hat on you trying to help you,  I remember that, I was only 4.  The birthday parties, confirmation, holidays, parties at Nana and Grandad’s.  Trips I hated due to car sickness. Swimming lessons I just couldn’t seem to master. I remember going with you to the Quisling Clinic off Wisconsin Aveue when you were pregnant, I was about 4. 
I couldn’t climb up onto the huge Navy-blue leather chairs I was so small.   Making Valentines for school parties.  Cupcakes.  Going to Woolworth's on the square.  And those awful Toni perms.  The operation on the birthmark on the side of my face at age eleven, worst headache I ever had.  My Dad crying when his mother passed away and there wasn’t enough money for him to fly back to her funeral.  Leaving my dog “Toucher” behind when we moved.  Our neighbors Billy and John.  Moving back to Wisconsin.  Anyway …. There is a lot more I remember and I want to thank you for bringing me into this world.  I have five beautiful children I adore.  They are all good people and I am proud of each of them.  You take care. I’m sorry you are all alone and cant remember any of this anymore.... 

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