The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Friday, November 22, 2019

"Obviously No One Was Watching the Coop" Julianna Rowe

Rooster-Cluck and his Man-Chicks…..  Cluck definition: to utter the cry of a “hen” brooding or calling HIS chicks. (Mitch, Rudy, Pompeo, Numes...)

I do not recall where I got this picture but it's priceless!  Just look at that Man-Cluck Rooster Trump with his orange head and fat belly... high stepping his feathery strut as he crosses the plank I say represents our sagging America all the time thinking he’s a real man who believe's he might rule Putin’s world.  Strutting that plank like the women he’s squashed beneath him getting away with it scott free.  There he be with his herd of  “man-clucks” following the pied piper bad boy!  (Pied Piper: someone who other people follow or support but who may harm them or leave them disappointed) To say the least.

Can chicken's (CLUCK's) swim? Nope! Their feathers are not waterproof, they do not secrete the oil that ducks do – once they get sodden wet the chicken will sink like a stone. They should never be left alone near water that is deep enough for them to drown in. Obviously no one was watching the coop.  I think not because the BBC  says they are going off the plank one by one.  Number one being “Chicken Mitch”. Number two, “Rudy the Runt.”  Number three, “Pinocchio Pompeo.”  Number four, "Not-so Nunes." And so on.
Who would ever follow (kiss the butt) an illiterate, incompetent, narcissist hasn’t learned that some man-Chickens who pretend to be roosters are nothing more than long legged Trumpers.  (Means not fully grown up mentally but fully GREEDY) And from what I see, hear, and read those boys following that orange topped strutter on that narrow plank can’t swim well enough to be in this marathon!  “It's fun watching him cluck over his kids on HIS playground this week." 

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