I have always managed to find goodness and humor amidst my silent thoughts of fear that have held me down at times. But since the surgery my wings are sad and heavy laden like petals of a flower after a storm. Beautiful happy tears like needed rain have turned to grey ashes beckoning God to cleanse them with the force of the fire hose. My heart is weary from watching my shadow wait for the winds to help it fly again. My soul finds comfort in you.....help me fly again when you can by Julianna Rowe.
It is interesting to me people believe a Butterfly that lands on your body at a funeral is your passed away loved one. Yet most do not believe animals come to us with messages?? They do! The Bluebird came to me this year after a nasty bought with cancer. It has been trying tell me to lighten up and get back to enjoying life like I used to. Here is the story of how I figured that out although I must admit it did take me a few months. And when I finally "got it" I went to researching the Bluebird totem in Animal Speaks/Ted Andrews book.
Bluebird: Transformation. Passage into happiness. Modesty, Unassuming Confidence and Happiness.
Cycle of Power: Winter and Summer (changes of seasons) The bluebird is a native of North America. Although once common, they are now quite rare. They are a reminder we are born to happiness and fulfillment, but we sometimes get so lost and wrapped up in the everyday events of our lives that our happiness and fulfillment seem rare. When bluebirds show up as a totem, it should first of all remind you to take time to enjoy yourself. Ding Ding Ding.
Bluebird: Symbolism and Meaning: Look to awaken your inner child. Tap into your endless well of creativity. Bluebird as as Spirit Totem can help teach you to see the world through the imaginative eye or your younger, more open self!! Bluebird can uplift, impassion and encourage you!
So here is my Bluebird story: I was walking my dog when I noticed a tiny shiny bluebird lying on the ground. I am always looking down because after years of running a daycare I was tuned to watch for pennies or anything a child might choke on. I picked up the little blue bird who was about the size of my thumbnail and was made from some heavy metal. It reminded me of how I used to believe in fairies when I was a child and that feeling was fun and entertaining to my imaginative minds eye. And then there it was at my feet like a reborn real life memory had materialized without my asking. I picked "her" up and knew immediately where she belonged. We walked back to my car where I searched out my super glue and put "her" on the dash where I could see "her" inspiration every day. Yet I still had no idea what "she" represented at that time although I just knew "she" was precious and had to go with me everyday.
A few months later I was at a hospital waiting for my car from Valet. Have you ever had Valet lose your car? Well they lost my car....so while I sat there waiting I and got bored I noticed the gift shop directly behind the valet desk and my waiting chair. I love hospital gift shops because they have such neat trinkets, gadgets, jewelry, and games. Hanging on a display tree right in front of the shop was a beautiful glass bluebird with the sun gleaning on its wings making it almost Angelic because I couldn't take my eyes off it.
I looked at the price tag as I gently lifted it off its home branch where I am sure it had been on standby just for me. There were cardinals and other pretty glass birds but I was sure that one was for me. No explanation as to why I was so sure because the red one was very pretty.... I am sure some Angelic force lost my car in the giant cement parking ramp just so I would find my totem and help me back to happy. The Bluebird.
"She" now hangs from my rearview mirror showing me its all behind me....
If any animal continually comes before you it is because it is trying to communicate with you on a spiritual level. Check out Ted Andrews book...Animals Speak.
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