The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Real Shit Pit! of Julianna Rowe

Okay… so this little outhouse has been on the “Funny Farm” (the crazy place I grew up) for sixty years plus...  I used it!!  In fact when I was in high school this is all we had besides a five gallon bucket with a board across it for balance and might I add COMFORT! GAWD. This was for a mid-night emergency which was truly awful not to mention we had no running water for baths either.  Oh but hey…..we had a pump fifty foot from the house to prime the COLD water (in winter time too….) and I think a stove to heat lil’ bits of said freezing water to be placed in an aluminum cow tank on an open NOT PRIVATE porch for bathing.  I have no proper words to offer regarding this!!  !  Can you imagine??  Me either, yet the memories remember! 

Over the years, that means after we built in normal bathrooms with bathtubs and flushing toilets things were better but the Outhouse remained.  Everyone who ever used the outdoor privy (who was privileged to!!) signed in or autographed the inner walls of which I was afraid to open the door to take a pic of in case....... SNAKES??   Not to mention the darn thing might have taken a dive on me literally.  Or me taken a dive in…..eewwww

I don't like shit pits (Outhouse’s or Life Shit Pits!) as you all know from previous blogs. 
And holding it up with ONE pole is likened to what I have to do in life mentally. 

 But what would I do if I really needed to use that privy outhouse?  Probably I’d feel quite privileged not to have to use the ditch or yard? Would I chance the poles giving way? What if no one was home? Oh shit!

I love puns or whatever you call that one. 

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