I will be sharing daily or every few days another chapter of my new novel:
by Julianna Rowe
Written: May 11, 2000
Rewritten October 7,
2017 and again 2019
Introduction: Crestview
was a beautiful mansion with a back yard that cascaded down the slope of a mountain
outside Los Angeles, California. Heavy
bricks acted and appeared like huge ladders as they braced the home from
sliding down the hundreds foot slope.
Within its walls lived the high fashion well to do lives of
people searching for the same goals and holding the same demons they passed
onto me. That invisible cloud of cells would lead
me through many difficult times before I understood “their” impossible
dreams had not come to fruition therefore had latched onto me, the weak child. And when I eventually did I was able to let
go of the anger, fear, and pain. I replaced it with pity for the very people who had haunted me with "their" delusive dreams.
Who hid their atrocious backgrounds and behavior behind the pretty walls
of Crestview. They, being the only touchable and untouchable force to put
any blame on. Yet the lie within its
walls would live on even after the death of it and its people. The force then moved on to another, then
another. The Spirit of Crestview would only die through time and the wisdom or its origin.... and of
course having the willingness to learn.
My spirit led me through the pain and into the truth but not for many
decades. I found the anger, strife and
horrors inside Crestview's walls evil as well as the money that covered up its sins.
It is written, "The truth shall set you
free." But before that could happen I allowed my
life to be controlled and manipulated between the victim role and the rebellion
it birthed in me. Rolling back and forth
from submissive and compliant to noncompliant which is simply the root of
rejection. This verbal equation would be
the constant of my life for at least forty eight years. I was taught in the midst of my trials;
"When the curses are gone the blessings will flow." I couldn't find my curses as evident as they
were. They had become a way of
life. My eyes were blinded to what they
saw. For many times vanity obscured my
sight, blinding my own existence and or expectation of life. I drew in what I was. I attracted similar spirits and blew with the
wind never being in touch with my inner person.
I was in need of balance. The
pendulum would sway and cause a wild ride of life for many years until I came
to understand the victim of the Crestview generations within the swirls of my mind. I no longer needed to rebel, yet before the
wisdom came, the storms were severe. As
time moved more swiftly than I realized I began to hear the soft inner voice of God or the
Spirit. I had a line of emotional
thunderstorms that would swell up and hold their own, drowning out the wisdom
from that true inner voice. The part of
me that was still somewhat detached from the rest of me was growing up, yet independent and waring
with my authentic self. That part
attached to others for security and a sense of love, even though a twisted
sense. I was no longer a child, crying
over everything and demanding, but rather of the teenage mentality "fairy
tale princess" with no castle, fickle, and looking for an external domain
rather than to my own internal spirit.
Emotions wanted to lead. And the fear of abandonment held steady its
ground. When I was a little girl I'd talk to myself within myself. I would figure things out, calm myself down,
comfort myself like I was my only best friend.
That voice of comfort was my emotional voice which took over my
life. It became very hard to distinguish
the real inner voice from the emotional voice because the later was always
looking for an answer elsewhere. It took
many years for the emotions to catch up with the mind and join the spirit as
one. But, realize from the ugliness of
the generations of pain handed down
mentally to me on a silver mental platter, came the real beauty. When this takes place, there is no limit to
what we can do with our lives. I am
proud I can now hear from the inner spirit allowing me the opportunity to relay
this wild ride in the form of a novel.
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