The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Saturday, September 29, 2018

The Fake Fockers are having ANOTHER little Focker! Julianna Rowe

Praise the Lord or whoever planted the latest "Fake Focker Fetus." I thought we would never get through the first little fake focker but we did and she is precious.  That was Seven years ago. That Fake Focker Baby Daddy left the State as there was no Union.  He is very lucky considering we had thoughts, I said thoughts....of, well, nevermind.

Then into our world comes a new Fake Focker Man. I call him "The Bachelor."  Like the TV Show.  Well to do farmer alias dump truck driver alias divorced.  Me being the Happy  one in the family of dysfunction....I thought it was a good thing. Never concerned about procreation considering Fake Focker Bachelor's first wife had to have invetro which lended them a son. And mother mary is she mad because she had to have invetro and Fake Focker Girlfriend didnt.

Anyway....back to the issue at hand. Why add to it? (Because it was an accident.  Little Fake Focker Fetus snuck right on in there on his own. ) They together had - One girl, One boy, two mamas, two daddy's. All's Good- Stop there. Because.... Now they have and cant ever get rid of:  One ugly mean dont-want any fake fockers in their life mother of Fake Focker Bachelor. And one ugly aunt with similar feelings. Add one x-wife who wants x-husband back and you have a war without a Motor Home. Dad of new found Fake Focker Bachelor Farmer is the quiet peacemaker who has taken to the field in his bigger than life tractor corn picker thang. No one has seen him in days or told him there is another Fake Focker Fetus growing day by day.  Me being the Happy one in this scenario says it will all be fine.

Probably not!

Fake Focker daughter cries all the time. Fake Focker Fetus Daddy never comes home as there is too much stress. Stays by his one ugly mean mother and drinks in the work shop while Fake Focker pregnant without invetro girlfriend cares for his invetro son and her first Fake Focker Baby while throwing up and crying on the way to school, dancing lessons, tutoring, grocery shopping etc.  Me being the Happy one in this family says it will all pass.  But thinking: What must the tiny new Fake Focker Fetus be feeling?

"He" will surely be a little stinker considering he snuck up on everyone like this.  But then that is a true Focker for sure.  Full of the dickens in a good way.

I don't know Yoga like the true Focker Mama so I cant sway ugly mean Focker Bachelor fetus babies mother back to our loving crazy Fake Focker happiness family. And my Fake Focker Fiance isnt as happy or creative as me. That being said he sort a sits by the sidelines playing solitaire on his iphone which is his way of hiding in a big tractor picking corn like Fake Focker Fetus's other Grandpa does. (But I do know about how she could keep her sweet husband home more often! would never work. )

This Fake Focker Baby Daddy will never leave the state like the first one!  We need a plan.....just in case. Actually, me being the Happy one in this family of fakers....I suspect it will all work out in the end.  That being said:  We are having another Fake Focker Baby!!!I probably shouldn't post this because no one really knows yet except the ugly ones.  So it's time to turn that around!

Meet our newest addition to the Fake Focker Family:   " Happy Fake Focker Fetus..."
This story is taken from facts out of the 1980's.  And actuated to make fun of life.  1/8 fiction....The rest my imagination. 

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