I cant imagine anyone cancelling Christmas. I love Christmas. I love Victorian Christmas's, everything about Christmas. From the decorations to the meals to the gifts, to the lites that I string around my stove for effect. I love giving, singing to the music, especially Alan Jackson's Christmas Album. Stockings hung by the fireplace, sending out Grandma Tillie's pfeffer-nut cookies to a select number of people each year. Carefully picking out the perfect gift for each person. Refraining myself from putting lites on the Buick. I know I know bad taste. Wouldn't be bad on a jag now would it? So what's my point and why did I cancel Christmas? Because I got sick. Nasty sick. A fever for over a week. Every joint in my body screamed at me in pain. Coughing. Sneezing. Runny nose. Just one eye hurt sooo bad. Leg cramps and spasms because I couldn't keep hydrated enough. That was wonderful hey. And in the midst of that I was trying to continue working. Then let me say we had a major snowstorm! EIGHTEEN little inches of a one. So I was able to stay in bed for two days while Madison plows plowed the city out. I thought I was better so I worked all day yesterday and woke up middle of the night sick again. I think I need to go into the Urgent Care place. But besides that..... I have had no time nor did I feel I could stand long enough to go shopping. As each day passed I was sicker and still hadn't shopped. So I called the Grands and told them we would have to have Christmas after Christmas. They were sad, but said they could tell by my voice I didn't feel very well.
So tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Maybe I will go to Urgent Care then. No one else will be there. ha!
(Psstt...I put lites on the Buick!) Here ya go Rose............ Am I lyin? Only I know. Now you understand when I say "GET RICH so you don't have to wait so long for the new wheels! LOL
Merry Christmas from the Ghetto Cruiser. (psst. I'm lying!) I stole this photo from www.theburningplatform.com
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