I am obviously bored. It's Mother's Day and if I had my druthers I would go test drive some of these trikes. I realize I cant handle a two wheeled vehicle due to the fact they weigh a ton. But hey, a three wheeler that balances itself unless hit by a mac truck. I could pack in this place where I live and leave with the wind blowing my hair unless I wear a helmet which I might not. I would put my 6 lb. Chihuahua/Pom in a box behind me and head for Texas. Or maybe just Edgerton at first. (Edgerton being a tiny town twenty miles away) I hate bugs and from what I have seen they don't make the windshield tall enough. Not sure about the "reach" for the handlebars on the neck vertebra's either. I would have to have a TV mounted to the side of the shield for my soap opera and HGTV and of course Junk Gypsies. I wonder if I would have to fight those other Harley women! I am so not a fighter. Tattoo? Maybe! And I would like to make some pit stops in those sleazy to half sleazy bars as well as antique shops and flea markets. Maybe I shall have to purchase one of those trailers. What about storms? I don't do storms.... What about bed bugs in motel/hotels? Cant do roadside bedrolls like in the old days, too many weirdo's out there. They'd be scared of me probably. Old lady on a Harley Trike? I would buy an RV but its like driving a train or bus. I would hit everything in site. I am thinking I need to go back to the mental drawing board and chill. Go buy some plants for my porch and see about plan B. I just don't like bugs in me face! That's the only reason of course. Maybe some orange streaks in my hair or possibly a normal vacation like normal people which I have not had since 1987!! No chit seriously. Had to raise the kids on my own which means work, work, work.... bring a guy home a couple times for play, get short term married to a drinker (wise huh), then more work, work, work. Wha Wha, call the wha whambulance. I am fine, cause my license plate says so. ALSWELL! (I have paid Wisconsin Plate Renewal rates on ALSWELL from 2004 to 2012)

p.s. I bought mummie dearest a gorgeous Cow cookie jar with a hen sitting on its back for Mothers Day. The store couldn't find the box so they put it in a cake box and when it got to the funny farm and mummie opened it, the head of the cow was broke in three pieces. I shall try to talk the store into replacing it even tho I cant prove how it broke. What's the happy news for today? I have decided not to buy a Harley Trike, for today anyway. Just know that I know I am Steven Tyler's twin sister from a previous life. And if he saw me he would know it too! I have some amazing feathers for my hair. Just cant do the black nails "yet." Reality? Notsomuch but it was a fun little trip without drugs. I don't need drugs, I have a
mind from another world. So there ya go, Be Well, Be Safe, Be Happy, and By God get Rich so you can take a vacation every year. You deserve it.
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