I love buying people things therefore holidays are my greatest pleasure so as to excuse and allow my over zealous giving spirit. Valentines day I happened to pass some rubber duckies at the grocer store. No kidding. These little duckies have rotating lites of different colors. For real! I was so pleased I picked up four of them. One for me. Cant you picture that 8 x 10 glossy of me in the bath with a lited rubber duckie (don't go there!).
I purchased one for the littlest grand.
I purchased one for the littlest and only great grand.
I purchased one of each for my life job helpers small children......
When I went to remove the sticker on the bottom it read: Small parts not for children under 3!
S H U T U P C H I N A!
There is probably blue asphalt inside the rubber duckies to make them lite up blue. Sshheessh chit
So day after Valentines Day I receive the sweetest gift from my helper workers. It's the photo I have posted in a nice little frame, and a "sweet" chocolate rose which I am allergic to. But so appreciative of the thought.
(Do you ever get sick of, "It's the thought that counts," deal)
I am totally impressed how those two wee ones posed with the rubber duckies for the pictures. Is that Happy News or what? Made my day!!
(Notice one has a white duckie and one has a red one)
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