The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Old People Kissing! by Diane Ogden

Why do old people (over 50-55) look like they kiss WRONG?  I am serious.  I have been watching the same soap opera for something like thirty years....   they cut the main couple out, fired them!  Then brought them back a couple plus years later and omg.....  I have tried to be quiet about this.  I haven't even checked the blogs or the twitter and truthfully I don't need to.  All I have to do is watch the soap and say to self.....eewww.  Do not publicly try to have passionate sexual scenes when you are over 50.  'Cause you look WRONG is all it is.  Maybe not wrong, but not enticing sex thoughts for the viewers.  When I watch it think....oh oh you writers messed up.  The old folks forgot how to act or the wrinkles got in the way, I truly dunno what it is, just truly know i is fact.  If the viewers hang on you might figure it out and please not do those scenes anymore, okay?  P L E A S E....
Those actors are now the mame's and papa's of daytime TV.  And no one wants to see mame having sex scenes.  They rather see her in pearl earrings giving ad-vice to the tweens and teens and such.  Eewww on the petting on screen while the candles burn away.  Mr. DeMill I am ready for my head shot, not my thin lip lock.....omg

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