The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I Smell Grandma

Sounds gross huh? "I smell Grandma." Well it could be or not. You see I went to Macy's to buy my Estee Lauder Super Cologne as I have for the past twenty years or so. All I am really sure of is that the ducks are still flying south and I am upright. I prefer Chanel No.5 and every time I pass that counter I spray the bee-jee-bees out of my clothes, in my purse, on one of those teenie tiny cardboard perfume sample deals, on my hair and shoes. I want to buy it. Even though it is twice the price. I love Chanel No.5 lotion, and powder and perfume. But....I smell Grandma so I cant buy it. What I am saying is my wonderful loving but dead Grandma comes to check on me now and then. And I can smell her. I tell the truth. She smells like cheese and that is either because of lack of bathing on the old old farm, or because she was always making butter and seperating the cream from the top of the milk. And no its not me I am smelling doi, it's the real McCoy, Grandma Tillie. She separated the real milk from real cows out in the barn. Back to my point which is.....if I should die before I wake and I come visit any of my children or G-children, they have to remember the smell. And that smell is Estee Lauder Super Cologne. And when that day comes and they don't smell me in the spirit I will be really pissed that I didn't buy the Chanel No.5. Either one is better than cheese. Sorry Grams, but still glad to smell you now and then.

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