This was a good day for me. I enjoy stopping off at the local Hospice Thrift Store knowing I will find something nice and of quality to satisfy my weekend buying bug. Usually it ends up being a nice shirt or piece of jewelry. I never expected to find this wonderful replica of an old wash basin. And it matches my Queen Anne Desk I am sitting at and Hutch my dear friend and Hospice patient, Miss Claire gave me before she passed. The key here is I bought this piece for next to nothing which much of the Hospice items go for. I have been trying to become a bit more modern like IKEA and Target...but it isn't happening. I seem to wander on back to the piece's with more personality vs black and square. I did pass up on a Stickley chair in 100% condition for $99. It just didn't have a home here. My next purchase will be a chair that goes with this desk I am sitting at when I am not working. I have a huge black office chair from Staples that is simply and totally out of whack in my home. Its OK, I will find exactly what is best with a
little patience. At present I am working on a barn window from the farm I was raised on.....I painted it black and will be placing antique photos of our ancestors in each window pane. Along with the purchase of four "inexpensive" black frames to go on each side of the window. Don't worry I will blog it and photo it when I complete it. All I need do is make the trip 22 miles to said farm and get my stash of photo's out of the infamous Grainery. That's another blog!
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