The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Old Doc Whittenbach by Clutch Cargoe (Son of Julianna Rowe)

 Old Doc Whittenbach     

No computers on the inside for typing or research.  Only approved emails.  That said, I am getting writer’s cramp making ready the material my family posts for me on this website.

I have been spending some time talking to my new doctor friend his name is Dr Whittenbach. He gives me medical advice as he specialized in internal medicine. He is a very knowledgeable person which is hard to come by in here. He speaks German, French and one other language I forgot.  I am trying to help him where I can.  I suspect he will die in here and he seems grateful to have a friend.  A rare thing inside these walls. I told him he could give me some info if anyone needed to be notified

should something happen to him. You see he was at hospital for over week last time and not allowed to call or e-mail anyone.  Prison officials didn't notify his family, so I said we would help out if possible.

I told him just because some of society's worst are here, it doesn't mean we all bad. There are some good guys here.  He said, "That's nice to know, thank you."  Now that is a word not heard but a couple times a year at this prison.

The doctor and I talked about morals and such.   He said he is from an area where country morals changed though the changing of my thoughts.

He smiles, pats me on shoulder, and says, "Very good Clutch, you get it now."  I responded that it only took forty some years.

Very nice fellow whose been a doctor for 35 years.  This is an alien planet to him in here, but it must be something he needs to experience before his next life and moving on....... he agrees.

Yet....caution is near because there are no friends inside.  Trust is nonexistent for each one is out for a way out and lying certainly is not beyond any of them. They are called "snitches."  They will say you confessed to being the rapist or murderer or whatever necessary to get moved to a less dangerous facility.

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