The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

"From the shit-pit to the clear waters." By Clutch Cargoe (2011)

 Observing 101  

Even though I do not care for all the negative people in here I am forced to be around them.  So, in an attempt to try to cope and understand I have had to do some serious observing.  As I have said I believe in Karma because I have witnessed it in action.  For a long time, I went around saying I do not like the negative inmates.  I don't want them in my community, (prison term for clicks) I thought - eff them, I don't want those that won’t help themselves around me.  I also noticed I was being treated negatively and I couldn't figure that out.  Here I was trying to be a better human being and staying out of all trouble areas yet not much was changing for me.  I couldn't even get much help from my family on the outside.  Why?  Then it dawned on me.  Same as the early morning sun rising from the darkness. It was KARMA at its finest!!   I was getting what I was giving. to change this huh?

                                              A T T I T U D E!!

The saying goes, change your attitude and change your circumstances.  So, I tried it.  I started to view those in here I disliked differently.  Who am I to judge lest I be judged.  It is their life journey.  All I can do is offer positive input to negative situations and hopefully help them on their path from negative to positive.  Or as some say "from the shit-pit to the clear waters."

It does not hurt you or I to be nice to those we dislike.  Actually, it is a powerful Karma that you will get back what you put out.  And life circumstances will start to change for you.

                                   Make a decision and the Universe will honor it

Out for now....Clutch

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