The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Back Into Your Communities with Messed up Attitudes by Clutch Cargoe

 Back Into Your Communities with Messed up Attitudes...

This is actually an excerpt from the post, "My Way is Not Always the Right Way."

Many of the men in here (Maximum Security Prison) will ask and ask and ask relentlessly like a child until you give in and give them some sauce or something to eat.  It is easier to just give it to them so they go away instead of argue or fight over something that is yours.  Reason why? These guys will try to beat you up and take what you have if you don't give it to them.  Then if your honest and tell them they are acting like a child they get offended and claim you have disrespected them, try to fight you because they didn't get what they wanted. They demand respect but have no clue what respect is or how to give it to someone else.

There are those in here that know the difference but the majority doesn't, and they aren't learning it which means they will go back out into the communities with the same messed up attitudes.

Makes me want to go live way out in the country, back to good non-processed food from the land.

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