The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Monday, July 22, 2024

A Peaceful Journey by Clutch Cargoe (My incarcerated son)

 A Peaceful Journey...

Greetings and salutations from inside.

Isn't worrying about the negativity of others a massive waste of time and energy?  That equates to passing judgment on them.  telling them that what they're doing is incorrect.  Hey, perhaps it's what they should do.  like be kind and acknowledge that they are free to feel, act, and think as they like.  Instead, even if you disagree, support.  Perhaps all it takes for someone else to reach their destination in life is a little encouragement.  This is what a kind deed is all about. Why?  because, despite your disagreement with their viewpoint, you are respecting the rights of others.  Give as you would like to receive because you want someone to do nice deeds for you.  It will make a complete circle back!

I have learned to respect and help even those I dislike or don't understand or even fear, with an understanding that it's their life journey and you have yours so to co-mingle and co-exist peacefully and also have kind deeds and respect returned, you must give it first.  If someone rejects it so what, move on in positive harmony.

Hope this has helped you.

Til' next time be well, be positive, and be open minded.            Clutch


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